When was the last time you...
Experienced calm and clarity about your life?
Deeply connected with yourself?
Listened to what your body was truly telling you?
Smiled with your whole heart?
Clearly expressed yourself in a difficult situation?
Celebrated your existence?
Experienced the satisfying whoosh of unbridled creativity?
Felt “on” instead of “off”?
Wendy Mauntel
Health + Life Strategist
My career in health and healing began as a Registered Respiratory Therapist working trauma and critical care, where I’ve witnessed pain and healing firsthand. After 35 years, the one common thread among patients who recovered faster—and sometimes without medical explanation—was their higher level of consciousness about their health and state of being.
Wanting to learn more about this “unexplained” phenomenon, I began studying holistic modalities and earned my doctorate in traditional naturopathy. It wasn’t until I experienced my own traumatic losses that it all became clear.
And it’s even bigger than I thought.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
William Blake
An Ancient Knowledge
A Whole, New Way of Living
You are not a human having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being that has been given the gift of life.
Isn’t it time you reminded your body—and your soul—how good it was meant to feel?

Pain is a symptom. Suffering is a choice.
If you’ve been told your pain and suffering are “all in your head,” there’s a good chance your doctors and friends could be wrong. And also absolutely right.
The human body is a powerful, miraculous piece of work—a masterful alignment of flesh, bone, and sensory receptors programmed for protection and survival at all costs. It’s so powerful that our neurophysiology can convert a single traumatic or stressful experience into a lifetime of behavior patterns—and while this may “save” us from repeating that particular experience, it can prevent us from achieving the balance, happiness, love, and overall “whole” health we desire and deserve.
There is remarkable evidence to support the correlations between health, the human experience, and spirituality. The research on stress alone supports how powerful the human mind is when it comes to altering our health, healing, and relationships.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could channel that energy into something positive? What could you do if you stopped getting in your own way?
“Wendy has a unique ability to get to the heart of the matter with whatever challenge you are facing (mental/emotional/spiritual/physical), and while doing so, gently but firmly reminding you of who you really are and what your greater role is here (on earth).”

Health + Life Strategies
For your whole life.
When your body, mind, and spirit are out of alignment, the resulting discord can manifest itself as anxiety, depression, illness, stress, and pain—sometimes chronically.
As a health + life strategist, I help you live your “whole” life. You’ll learn how to
Create greater awareness and clearly articulate the status of your physical health.
Strengthen your connection to your inner self and find sanctuary within.
Find inspiration and manifest your true purpose.
Find peace and deeper connection in grief.
Get out of destructive “loops”.
Revel in the powerful calm and clarity that is (and always has been) there.
Untether yourself from the experiences that inform—but do not define—your life.
We’ll work together to
Open the gateways so more life and light (and health and joy and peace!) can find you.
“The answers you seek are bigger than the questions you are asking. There is more to your existence than what you see and feel and touch. Don’t let that scare you. Let that inspire and excite you. You are meant for big things.”